Monday, 1 December 2008
记得在80年初,申请美国大学满容易的,只要复印的毕业证、成绩单就行了。后不行了,要加盖公章了;再后来要直接由大学成绩主管部门直接寄了等等。原因是 不少申请人自己“美化”自己的成绩单。这件事当时没想到是“造假”,跟我们奥运“假唱”是一样性质:为了完美嘛!没啥了不起的。
Friday, 28 November 2008
据潘加晴的报道:中国工程院院长徐匡迪上月底在北京列举了一些有关科学道德的不良现象:“国内外已经发生的学术腐败现象令人震惊;一些学术不端行为引起了 社会的广泛关注;个别院士对学生和助手疏于管理,产生不良影响;个别候选人的申报材料涉嫌夸大成绩,这些都应引以为戒。”
他还说“院士群体的科学道德也面临更高的社会期望。” 言外之意是院士群体道德比其他人好一点。实际情况是如际数学家丘成桐亦指出:“目前中国学术界抄袭之风甚盛,很多人不搞学术而搞权术,院士把持学术霸权, 扼杀后辈人才,影响到学术的发展...中国学术无自由,学术界不敢批评大教授,不敢讨论学术问题,学术研究方向亦需要大教授批准,造成许多年青人都无法向 前走,因为他们控制 所有经费和评奖制度,例如在数学方面,北京大学就控制全国选院士的方法,任何人想做院士都要向他们叩头才能成功。”
以官方代表的奥运开幕式的假/焰火和双簧演唱,说明造假没什么大不了的,只要不出人命就行!如果又一良好的目的-例如为了完美无缺等等,那么造假可以提 倡!再说大师老谋子,是拍故事片的,擅长就是拍摄那种虚的蒙太奇的、“源于生活但高于生活”的艺术片,可能不擅长拍真实的纪录片。
"for your life, I lay down mine"
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
- by Laurence Binyon (1869 - 1943)
其他的是游戏活动,训练团队精神team work。
另外还有一项最根本的项目:传递信息-最高尚的行为就是牺牲的爱 --
Friday, 3 October 2008
1 目前中国企业在创新同时有道德?
2 目前中国(1多数/2一些/3个别/4极个别)的企业在创新同时没有道德?
3其他场合。。。。做老实人-诚信危机-毒 牛奶
自己就不幸“老实”而且还“胆小”。在国外搬家是常事。自己也老老实实每搬一次家都按照当局的规定到警察局报到,像一位监狱假释犯人一样。另外一朋友,怕 麻烦,漏掉了几次。可是几年之后我的老实有了回报: 买房子贷款时,银行很快就认定我的CREDIT CHECK.朋友的“省事”也有了代价:几次贷款没得批准。
回想最近的毒 牛奶事件,诚信危机。不禁想问:什么是社会进步的标志?建国初期那种,虽然物质不够丰富,但夜不闭户、路不拾遗,不是进步?现在物质极大丰富,GPD大大提高,但除了骗子是真的以外、似乎没什么是货真价实的了。
Thursday, 25 September 2008
多数人已有了“博士”帽子,但还有许多其它的帽子,什么会长、主任、主席等等,即使是学术上,也还有Doctor of Science在PhD之上;
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Thursday, 4 September 2008
连北京人自己都调侃:“有这么多钱的国家,没有这么多人,有这么多人的国家,没有这么多钱,有这么多钱又有这么多人的国家, 没有这么听话的人!”不过办一次奥运可把他们累坏了,于是又有一个笑话:“国际奥会主席罗格鉴于北京奥运办的太成功了,在闭幕式上宣布下届奥运仍由北京主 办。”话一说完,在场的领导同志都昏倒了,再一转头,所有的志工及公安都昏倒了,医护人员怎么不来急救呢?医护人员也昏倒了!
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
The Canary (金丝雀--曼斯菲尔德)
The Canary
by Katherine Mansfield
... You see that big nail to the right of the front door? I can scarcely look at it even now and yet I could not bear to take it out. I should like to think it was there always even after my time. I sometimes hear the next people saying, 'There must have been a cage hanging from there.' And it comforts me. I feel he is not quite forgotten.
... You cannot imagine how wonderfully he sang. It was not like the singing of other canaries. And that isn't just my fancy. Often, from the window I used to see people stop at the gate to listen, or they would lean over the fence by the mock-orange for quite a long time --- carried away. I suppose it sounds absurd to you --- it wouldn't if you had heard him --- but it really seemed to me he sang whole songs, with a beginning and an end to them.
For instance, when I'd finished the house in the afternoon, and changed by blouse and brought my sewing on the verandah here, he used to hop, hop, hop from one perch to the other, tap against the bars as if to attract my attention, sip a little water, just as a professional singer might, and then break into a song so exquisite that I had to put my needle down to listen to him. I can't describe it; I wish I could. But it was always the same, every afternoon, and I felt that I understood every note of it.
... I loved him. How I loved him! Perhaps it does not a matter so very much what it is one loves in this world. But love something one must! Of course there was always my little house and the garden, but for some reason they were never enough. Flowers respond wonderfully, but they don't sympathise. Then I loved the evening star. Does that sound ridiculous? I used to go into the backyard, after sunset, and wait for it until it shone above the dark gum tree. I used to whisper, 'There you are, my darling.' And just in that first moment it seemed to be shining for me alone. It seemed to understand this ... something which is like longing, and yet it is not longing. Or regret --- it is more like regret. And yet regret for what? I have much to be thankful for!
... But after he came into my life I forgot the evening star; I did not need it any more. But it was strange. When the Chinaman who came to the door with birds to sell held him up in his tiny cage, and instead of fluttering, fluttering, like the poor little goldfinches, he gave a faint, small chirp, I found myself saying, just as I had said to the star over the gum tree, 'There your are, my darling.' From that moment he was mine!
... It surprises even me now to remember how he and I shared each other's lives. The moment I came down in the morning and took the cloth off his cage he greeted me with a drowsy little note. I knew it meant 'Missus! Missus!' Then I hung him on the nail outside while I got my three young men their breakfasts, and I never brought him in, to do his cage, until we had the house to ourselves again. Then, when the washing-up was done, it was quite a little entertainment. I spread a newspaper over a corner of the table and when I put the cage on it he used to beat with his wings, despairingly, as if he didn't know what was coming. 'You're a regular little actor,' I used to scold him. I scraped the tray, dusted it with fresh sand, filled his seed and water tins, tucked a piece of chickweed and half a chili between the bars. And I am perfectly certain he understood and appreciated every item of this little performance. You see by nature he was exquisitely neat. There was never a speck on his perch. And you'd only to see him enjoy his bath to realise he had a real small passion for cleanliness. His bath was put in last. And moment it was in he positively leapt into it. First he fluttered one wing, then the other, then he ducked his head and dabbled his breast feathers. Drops of water were scattered all over the kitchen, but still he would not get out. I used to say to him, 'Now that's quite enough. You're only showing off.' And at last out he hopped and standing on one leg he began to peck himself dry. Finally he gave a shake, a flick, a twitter and he lifted his throat --- Oh, I can hardly bear to recall it. I was always cleaning the knives by then. And it almost seemed to me the knives sang too, as I rubbed them bright on the board.
... Company, you see, that was what he was. Perfect company. If you have lived alone you will realise how precious that is. Of course there were my three young men who came in to supper every evening, and sometimes they stayed in the dining-room afterwards reading the paper. But I could not expect them to be interested in the little things that made my day. Why should they be? I was nothing to them. In fact, I overheard them one evening talking about me on the stairs as 'the Scarecrow'. No matter. It doesn't matter. Not in the least. I quite understand. They are young. Why should I mind? But I remember feeling so especially thankful that I was not quite alone that evening. I told him, after they had gone. I said 'Do you know what they call Missus?' And he put his head on one side and looked at me with his little bright eye until I could not help laughing. It seemed to amuse him.
... Have you kept birds? If you haven't, all this must sound, perhaps, exaggerated. People have the idea that birds are heartless, cold little creatures, not like dogs or cats. My washerwoman used to say every Monday when she wondered why I didn't keep 'a nice fox terrier', 'There's no comfort, Miss, in a canary.' Untrue! Dreadfully untrue! I remember one night. I had had a very awful dream --- dreams can be terribly cruel --- even after I had woken up I could not get over it. So I put on my dressing-gown and came down to the kitchen for a glass of water. It was a winter night and raining hard. I suppose I was half asleep still, but through the kitchen window that hadn't a blind, it seemed to me the dark was staring in, spying. And suddenly I felt it was unbearable that I had no one to whom I could say 'I've had such a dreadful dream,' or --- 'Hide me from the dark.' I even covered my face for a minute. And then there came a little 'Sweet! Sweet!' His cage was on the table, and the cloth had slipped so that a chink of light shone through. 'Sweet! Sweet!' said the darling little fellow again, softly, as much as to say, 'I'm here, Missus. I'm here!' That was so beautifully comforting that I nearly cried.
... And now he's gone. I shall never have another bird, another pet of any kind. How could I? When I found him, lying on his back, with his eye dim and his claws wrung, when I realised that never again should I hear my darling sing, something seemed to die in me. My breast felt hollow, as if it was his cage. I shall get over it. Of course. I must. One can get over anything in time. And people always say I have a cheerful disposition. They are quite right. I thank God I have.
... All the same, without being morbid, or giving way to --- to memories and so on, I must confess that there does seem to me something sad in life. It is hard to say what it is. I don't mean the sorrow that we all know, like illness and poverty and death. No, it is something different. It is there, deep down, deep down, part of one, like one's breathing. However hard I work and tire myself I have only to stop to know it is there, waiting. I often wonder if everybody feels the same. One can never know. But isn't it extraordinary that under his sweet, joyful little singing it was just this --- sadness? --- Ah, what is it? --- that I heard.